Welcome to the DSoP Archives
The Archives is the official repository of the Dominican Sisters of Peace and their predecessor congregations. The purpose of the Dominican Sisters of Peace Archives is to centralize, collect, organize, preserve, protect and make available for research the legacy of Dominican Sisters of Peace participation in the mission of the church. The Archives is the official repository for all non-current assets of administrative, legal, financial, and historical value created or received by the Dominican Sisters of Peace in pursuit of their religious and legal obligations and in the transaction of its business. These assets reflect the internal development of the congregation, the conduct of its affairs as legal corporations, the individual and personal lives of its members. Accounts of the functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations and other activities that provide information about the congregation are deposited in the Archives. Archival materials include written and printed records of general office business, reports, handbooks, publications, pamphlets, posters, photographs, sound and visual recordings, computer data, personal memoirs, theses and dissertations, and books published by the Sisters.
The Archives is a source of valuable information, not merely a warehouse. The holdings are not limited to the official papers of past administrations but encompass anything that helps to preserve a sense of the history and the spirit and charism of the congregation.