Called by the Spirit and formed as women of the Church
within the vibrant tradition of the Order of Preachers,
We, the Dominican Sisters of Peace, with our Associates,
journey together, inspired by the wisdom and faith of our founders and the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us,
as we embrace the future with courage and hope.
We are sent by God to be the Holy Preaching
as we praise, we bless, and we preach
the liberating truth of the Gospel of Jesus
and labor with God for the transformation of all creation.
Our call to be peace, to build peace, and to preach peace requires that we read the signs of our times and interpret them faithfully in light of the Gospel.
Impelled by God’s own Spirit, the Breath of Love moving through the entire cosmos, we commit ourselves to seek truth and to speak the truth in love.
Love impels us to….
Direction Statements
Love impels us to foster and create cultures of inclusion by:
- Committing ourselves to continued study of all forms of racism and inequity,
both their historical development and their present-day manifestations;
- Pledging ourselves to take action to move towards eradicating the sin of racism and exclusion;
- Engaging in the work of restorative justice.
Love impels us to treasure and reverence Earth by:
- Living the truth proclaimed by Laudato Si;
- Acting to reduce our carbon footprint;
- Advocating in solidarity with others in caring for Earth.
Love impels us to foster lives of prayer and contemplation by:
- Growing in and witnessing to the transformative power of Gospel living;
- Embodying and promoting peace-making and reconciliation;
- Working with others to heal the wounded Body of Christ in our world.
Love impels us to Prophetic Preaching of the Gospel message by:
- Using the lens of Truth to discern reality in all areas of our life and mission;
- Speaking Truth in our words, actions and lives;
- Partnering with others to confront injustice wherever it exists.
Love impels us toward the future of Dominican Life by:
- Exploring emerging forms of Dominican Life and Mission with the Congregations of the Dominican Sisters Conference anD Dominican Sisters International;
- Participating in and supporting our congregational “Moving Forward in Peace” process;
- Welcoming and promoting the call to Dominican life as vowed members and associates.
